PNEUMONIA SYMPTOMS – 8 Signs Indicating that You May Have Pneumonia

Guide on the 8 Common Pneumonia Symptoms You Must Not Take For Granted

PNEUMONIA SYMPTOMS – Here is a list of eight(8) health signs that you may have pneumonia.

There are certain health conditions that can range from mild to the extent of taking a life. One of them is pneumonia, an infection that causes the swelling of one or both of the air sacs in the lungs.

Pneumonia may appear common but it is risky most especially for infants and kids and for those individuals who are older than 65 years old. People who got weak immune systems are also at risk of this lung disease.

With regards to the cause of pneumonia, it can be caused by fungi, bacteria, and virus.

Photo Courtesy of Health Plus

The pneumonia symptoms are very noticeable. Thus, if you have knowledge on these health signs, you can go for a visit to the doctor right away once you start feeling them.

Based on an article on Mayo Clinic, here is a list of the eight(8) common pneumonia symptoms indicating the need to go for a check-up:

  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • persistent cough with phlegm
  • nausea or vomiting
  • mental confusion
  • low body temperature
  • fatigue
  • fever

According to the article, aside from the aforementioned health warning signs, a person with pneumonia may also experience diarrhea and sweating and shaking chills.

This lung disease need proper treatment as it can be contagious. It is best to get the expert’s advice on how to treat it as the treatment for pneumonia is often in a course.

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