HEART ATTACK – 8 Warning Signs That Require Urgent Medical Attention

List of the 8 Warning Signs of Heart Attack

HEART ATTACK – Here is a guide on the eight(8) warning signs of this health condition prompting the need for an urgent medical attention.

Visibly, a lot of people lost their lives not because of old age but to certain health conditions. Some got diseases that led to their bodies slow deterioration while others experienced health conditions that caught them by surprise with sudden death. One of the latter is heart attack.

The said medical condition happens there is blockage of the blood flow to the heart. Usually, the blood cannot flow freely because of the build-up of plaque in the arteries. These plaque is due to fat, cholesterol, and other substance in the body.

Undeniably, heart attack is common most especially during the summer season. If not given an immediate medical attention, it can lead to cardiac arrest. The latter condition is when the heart stops beating as a whole. There can be warning signs before these conditions.

Heart Attack
Photo Courtesy of Love To Know

Based on an article on Mayo Clinic, the heart attack symptoms may vary from people to people but there are also common ones. Here is a list of the eight(8) common warning signs prompting the need for an urgent medical attention:

  • Cold sweat
  • Fatigue
  • Pressure
  • Sudden dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Nausea
  • Heartburn or pain in the abdomen
  • Pain, pressure, aching sensation, or tightness in the chest or arms that extend to the neck, back, or jaw

If you are the one experiencing the aforementioned symptoms, it is best to tell someone about it immediately. Ask the person to call for medical help, relax, and pray as you calm yourself. On the other side, if it is another person whom you notice to be displaying these signs, call for help right away so the person can be brought to the hospital.

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