Every Woman Needs To Avoid These Things During Period

Avoid These Things During Period

Period – If there is one thing in women that they really hate happening in their life the so-called monthly period. Sometimes, it is referred to as ‘red days’.

monthly period

Actually, it is a natural process on the body wherein after the egg cell in the female’s body ripens and hasn’t been fertilized by a sperm, is being discharged. Many women experience discomfort on or before the period.

Normally, it happens once a month usually, the last or the first week of the month.

In order to ease the pain, women commonly take medications. But, placing a hot compress on the lower abdomen could help.

But, these are things that a woman must avoid during their red days.

  1. Do not skip meals
    During the period, one would lose certain amounts of bl0od that’s why one needs to refill immediately. Also, the body needs energy.


  1. Do not ‘make love’.
    This is a “no-no” because this might lead on infections. Eeew.


  1. Refrain physical activities
    Doing physical things will just add pain in the woman’s back and abdomen.


  1. Work
    Although this might be impossible if you’re an employee, but, still, the best way is to just stay in bed and rest. This is most needed for intolerable situations.


  1. Don’t eat fast food
    A woman needs to eat “real food” to get nutrients well. Avoid eating fast food, please.


  1. Staying awake all night.
    Sleep long enough to be ready for the coming day.


Hoping that these reminders will help any woman in order to survive the period with a bit lesser pain. Remember to drink enough water, have proper nutrition from veggies and fruits. Take good rest.

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