Five Things People Must Discover About Pneumonia

Five Things People Must Discover About Pneumonia

Five things people must discover about pneumonia, how it does affects a person’s health, who are at risk and what kind of treatments are recommended.


Is an inflammatory condition or called as an acute respiratory infection of the lungs caused by bacteria, virus, and fungi. It causes pain to the patients in breathing where it limits the oxygen intake.

All types of pneumonia contain similar symptoms such as chest pain, dry cough, fever, and difficulty in breathing.  Physical examination and X-ray are conducted by the doctors to check other infections.

Possible Victims

All ages can be diagnosed with this condition whether a person is very young or very old. People with asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and smokers are the people vulnerable to this illness.

In coughs and sneezes or a saliva droplets, the infection can spread and transmit to other people. Medical experts advised the public to wash their hands often can reduce the risk.

Five things people must discover

Is It Dangerous?

Yes, it is dangerous depends on the patient’s conditions. A person who struggles to cope with this illness is sometimes developing complications especially those who have weak immune system.

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