FOOD NOT FOR LUNCH – 5 Food You Should Never Consider For Lunch

List of 5 Food Not For Lunch

FOOD NOT FOR LUNCH – Here is a guide on the five(5) food that you should never consider to replace your lunch meal.

Sadly, a lot of us nowadays are not very careful when it comes to the food that goes into our mouths and bodies. We tend to look past the fact that they have direct results to the body – if we eat healthy ones, we can stay fit and healthy but if we don’t, we may suffer from several health conditions.

Most especially for busy individuals, we would just pick whatever is on the table or whatever food we can have in very little time. Some people would take the drive-thru options provided by fast food chains to not spend much time cooking or waiting for an order.

However, doing this on a daily basis is not very good for the body. Although breakfast is the most important meal of the day, each meal time should be valued to keep the body functioning properly.

Are you one of those who have very little time for lunch? You might love to just eat some pasta and burger to satisfy your hunger. However, they may be among the food that are not for lunch – not recommended to substitute a rice meal.

Based on an article on Prevention, there are at least five(5) food that you must not allow to stand as your lunch. Here is a list of these five(5) food not for lunch:

1. Burger

The beef, cheese, and sauce in the burger may be a powerhouse of saturated fat. Also, it may contain a lot of trans fat that can cause clogging in the arteries.

Photo Credit: Psychology Today

2. Pasta

Eating pasta for lunch can result to intense sleepiness after lunch because of the refined carbohydrates. It is an excellent choice most especially for those who still have work in the afternoon – not getting the sleep that the body is calling for can result to headache and other health conditions.

Photo Credit: Deer Recipes

3. All-Vegetable Soup

Although vegetables are healthy, your body also needs protein. It cannot hold you long enough from hunger which can lead to eating what you can grab right away as your stomach calls for some food. If you want a soup, it must contain meat like chicken or turkey.

Vegetable Soup
Photo Credit: Zesty and Spicy

4. Vegetable Salad

Just like the vegetable salad, based on the article, vegetable salad lacks protein that is needed by the body to sustain in until dinnertime. You can just add this to your lunch meal.

Vegetable Salad
Photo Credit: Very Tasty

5. Cake

Letting a slice of a cake replace your rice meal for lunch won’t do you any good. According to the article, it has zero nutrition and can cause a spike on the blood sugar level of the body.

Photo Credit: Fresh Menu

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