Get Rid Of Papilloma Virus Or Hanging Warts With These Natural Remedies

How To Remove Papilloma Virus Naturally

Have you heard about papilloma virus? Or maybe you have this one on your body! This virus is very common nowadays, most especially to women. There are about an estimated of hundred types of papilloma viruses.

how to remove papilloma virus

You can get rid of some pesky papillomas at home using these simple natural but very effective remedies.

Treatment of papilloma with the Russian grass (celandine or serpent milk)

Research have shown that Celandine is the most effective ingredient to cure papilloma.

Apply celandine on the warts 3-4 times with intervals of 2 to 3 minutes. Doing it every day will give you best result.

Potato juice for treating warts

As we all know, potato is really good for our skin, and as well as in treating various skin diseases. Potato is also an excellent formula to heal papilloma.

– Wash the potato

– finely grate the potatoes.

– Squeeze the potato juice using gauze.

– Drink it 2 times a day, an hour before meals.

  • this will lasts 2 months.

It is also great in treating gastric ulcers, edema, liver diseases and canc3r.

Castor oil for the treatment of papilloma virus

Castor is really a great tool especially in fighting against warts and papilloma viruses. Casto oil has acid causes the warts to be irritated until it totally dries them out.

Apply this on your warts in the morning and evening.

Eliminate warts using ammoniac

Using a Q-tip, dip it with ammonia and press it on the affected part for 6 seconds. Be careful  not  to reach the skin around your papilloma.


How To Get Rid Of Papilloma

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