The Shape Of Your Nails Could Predict So Much About Your Personality and Future

Shape Of Your Nails Could Predict Your Personality

Most of you might it weird or unbelievable, but this article is very interesting most especially it talks about the prediction of your future. But it depends on you, whether you believe in this or not. Did you know that the shape of your nails has something to say about your personality? Yes, you read it right… your nails can reveal insights into your personality!

Shape of your nails

While our fingernails have many shapes and have different sizes, there are undeniable trends that correlate to how you act and behave on a regular basis. As we can observe in some of our friends or to people who surrounds us, some of them have long shape and size while others have round shape. Some are pointy and short. But is it really true that fingernails can really reveal deep secrets about out personality?

Watch the video below.


Vertically Long – your wonderful and weird imagination compliments your romantic and mild temperament.

Broad-Side – Your straightforward and clear-cut attitude is attractive but you live in your head and have a short-temper.

Round-Egg – You love moving at your own pace and are a happy-go-lucky and a laid-back peaceful person. You do things your own unique way and don’t follow the crowd.

Square and Triangle – Armed with perseverance and courage, you’re a leader not afraid of risks.

Almond – As an honest, friendly, and faithful person, you exude kindness but also know when you need to be strong and sturdy for others.

Sword – A hard-working and ambitious individual, you’re goal-oriented and eager to work hard.

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