List of Official Regular & Special Non-Working Holidays this April 2019
HOLIDAYS APRIL 2019 – Here is a full list of the regular holidays and the special non-working day(s) this month of April.
Now, we are on the fourth month of the year 2019 – the month of April. Undeniably, a lot of people are checking about the holidays every month to plan ahead on what to do in case there is.
During most holidays, families and groups of friends would go out for some quality time together. It could be on a mountain resort, in a beach resort, or simply a fine restaurant where they can talk while eating good food.
But, for this month of April 2019, for many people most especially the Christians, the holidays are on religious events in line with the celebration of the Holy Week 2019.

The Holy Week is a week-long event to commemorate the passion and death of the Lord Jesus Christ. Most people go to churches during these days, offer prayers, and do sacrifices.
Sacrifices may include fasting from meat. A lot of people also take the opportunity to reflect on their lives and on the love of God.
To pave way for the commemoration of the Holy Week 2019, some days of this week were declared as holidays.
Based on a previous report on PhilStar, here is a list of the holidays this month of April 2019:
Regular Holidays
- April 18, 2019 – Maundy Thursday
- April 19, 2019 – Good Friday
Special Non-Working Holiday
- April 20, 2019 – Black Saturday
Most establishments are close on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Mall operations and as well as bank operations often resume on Black Saturday.
On Sunday, April 21, 2019, the Easter Sunday would be celebrated.
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