Anthony Solares Confesses to Killing Dog Named Killua

Anthony Solares, a resident of Camarines Sur, recently admitted to a shocking act that has sparked outrage and calls for justice on social media platforms. In a candid interview with News 5, Solares confessed to killing a dog named Killua, claiming he did so to protect an elderly person from potential harm.


In his statement, Solares justified his actions, stating that he believed he was doing what was necessary. He recounted leaving the scene briefly, only to return and find the lifeless body of Killua inside a sack, allegedly placed there by an unknown person during his absence. Solares claimed he encountered a friend who advised him to bury the dog.

When questioned about his motives, Solares explained that Killua had bitten a person on two separate occasions, including his spouse, who was selling goods at the time. He described Killua’s behavior as aggressive, stating that the dog seemed to want to attack anyone it encountered.

Solares admitted to using a rock and a piece of wood to strike the dog, claiming he initially intended to wait for the dog’s owner but ultimately decided to take matters into his own hands. He denied harboring any ill will towards the dog’s owner, asserting that he was unaware of their identity at the time.

However, Killua’s owner, Vina Rachelle, vehemently disputed Solares’ account, insisting that her dog was not aggressive and was known for its gentle demeanor. She described Killua as a beloved pet that slept by her side and was adored by visitors to their home.

The tragic incident came to light after Killua went missing and was later discovered dead inside a sack. CCTV footage revealed the dog climbing to the rooftop before its demise. The news of Killua’s death has prompted widespread condemnation on social media, with hashtags such as #JusticeForKillua and #StopAnimalCruelty trending as users demand accountability for the senseless act of violence against the innocent animal.

The case has reignited discussions about animal welfare and the need for stricter laws to protect animals from cruelty and abuse. As authorities investigate the incident, advocates continue to call for justice for Killua and other victims of animal cruelty.

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