Arnold Clavio Suffers Hemorrhagic Stroke

Seasoned broadcaster Arnold Clavio experienced a significant health scare recently when he suffered a hemorrhagic stroke due to “slight bleeding” in the left part of his brain. The well-known newscaster shared his harrowing experience on Instagram, providing a glimpse into his unexpected journey from a regular day to a life-altering event.

Arnold Clavio Suffers Hemorrhagic Stroke

“June 11, 2024, 7:10 p.m., a life changer,” Clavio’s video began. He recounted that what started as an ordinary day ended with a visit to the hospital. Clavio detailed his day, explaining he was heading home from the Eastridge Golf Course when he suddenly felt severe numbness in his right arm and leg while driving. “Di ko na rin maramdaman ang pag-apak sa pedal ng gas at brake,” he recalled, emphasizing the seriousness of his symptoms.

Realizing something was wrong, Clavio pulled over at a gas station to assess his condition. Struggling to walk, he made his way to the restroom, needing to hold onto something for support. In a state of concern, he checked his reflection in the mirror for common stroke signs, such as facial drooping or swollen eyes, but found none. Despite this, his instincts told him to seek medical attention, and he promptly drove to the emergency room of Fatima University Medical Center.

Upon arrival, the hospital staff found Clavio’s blood pressure to be alarmingly high at 220/120, with his blood sugar level also elevated at 270. After a series of tests, it was confirmed that Clavio had suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, identified by the slight bleeding in the left side of his brain. Recognizing the severity of his condition, he was immediately transferred to St. Luke’s Hospital for more intensive observation and care.

“Inilipat ako sa St. Luke’s Hospital para ma-obserbahan pa,” Clavio shared. At St. Luke’s, the brain attack team quickly took charge, admitting him to the Acute Stroke Unit where his blood pressure and sugar levels were closely monitored.

Through this ordeal, Clavio expressed his profound gratitude for the medical care he received and reflected on the lessons learned from this near-fatal experience. “Feeling good does not mean good,” he remarked, highlighting the importance of being vigilant about one’s health even when not experiencing obvious symptoms. Clavio’s story serves as a sobering reminder of how life can change in an instant and the critical importance of recognizing and responding to stroke symptoms promptly.

Clavio thanked the Lord for what he described as a miracle, crediting his survival to timely medical intervention and divine grace. His message to his followers is clear: never take your health for granted, and always listen to your body’s warnings.

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