Tied Mayoralty Bets to Draw Lots in Bocaue.
Draw Lots. As the tally ended in Bocaue, Bulacan, two mayoralty candidate tied for the top spot and will be broken by the drawing of lots.
The voice of the people through voting in the 2016 elections seemed to divide well to two mayoralty candidates.
The mayoralty post was topped by Liberal party bet Joni Villanueva, sibling of the incumbent mayor of Bocaue town, and independent candidate Kuya Jim Valero who both got 16, 694 votes leaving the other candidate Jonjon Santiago of the Nationalist People’s Coalition with 14, 971 votes.

Deogracias Danao, election officer of Bocaue, said the two were sent summonses to arrive at the office for the drawing of lots as it was scheduled at 9 a.m.
The commission on Elections’ resolution no. 10083 stated the validity of drawing of lots.
“…the board shall, after recording in its Minutes the fact of having candidates receiving the same number of votes for the position, immediately notify the said candidates to appear before the Board for the drawing of lots to break the tie. The drawing of lots should be conducted within one (1) hour after the issuance of notice by the Board of candidates concerned.”
It was in the 2013 elections when the same thing happened in San Teodoro, Oriental Mindoro however broken with a toss coin after the two bets ended in a tie.
Read also what Sen. Trillanes has to say to the now leading Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.