DOLE Issues Pay Rules for June 17 Eid’l Adha Holiday

The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has released pay guidelines to assist employers in compensating their employees on June 17, Monday, which coincides with the celebration of Eid’l Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice, a regular holiday.

 Eid’l Adha Holiday

According to Labor Advisory No. 08, series of 2024, signed by DOLE Undersecretary Carmela Torres, employees who work on a regular holiday should receive 200% of their daily wage for the first eight hours of work (basic wage x 200%).

Employees who do not work on this day will still receive 100% of their daily wage. However, to qualify, they must have worked on the day preceding the holiday or have been on a leave of absence with pay.

DOLE clarifies, “Where the day immediately preceding the regular holiday is a non-working day in the establishment or the scheduled rest day of the employee, he or she shall be entitled to holiday pay if the employee reports to work or is on leave of absence with pay on the day immediately preceding the non-working day or rest day.”

Employees who work overtime or beyond eight hours on the regular holiday are entitled to an additional 30% of their hourly rate for that day (hourly rate of basic wage x 200% x 130% x number of hours worked).

If the regular holiday falls on an employee’s rest day, they are still entitled to an additional 30% of their basic wage on top of the 200% (basic wage x 200% x 130%).

Employees who work on their rest day, which coincides with the regular holiday, should receive an extra 30% of their hourly rate for that day (hourly rate of basic wage x 200% x 120% x 130% x number of hours worked).

It is noteworthy that through Proclamation 579, President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. declared June 17 a regular holiday to mark the celebration of Eid’l Adha, one of the most significant events in the Muslim calendar. This holiday commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God, which is celebrated by Muslims worldwide.

Eid’l Adha

Employers are reminded to adhere to these guidelines to ensure the fair treatment and proper compensation of their employees during this important holiday. The DOLE’s advisory aims to provide clear and equitable rules to support both employees and employers in observing this special day.

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