MMDA Issues Friendly Reminders to Pokémon GO

Photo Credits: Twitter/Official MMDA

Pinoys can now be a part of the larger Pokemon World. The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) has issued a safety warning for those focused on their smartphones while playing Pokémon GO. Here is a screenshot of the MMDA’s advisory taken from their official Twitter account. It reminded the trainers to avoid playing the game … Read more

CDC: Aerial Spraying Against Zika Carrier Successful in Miami

Authorities in Florida consider using another aerial agent targeting mosquito larvae, after seeing success on aerial spraying against mosquitoes that carry Zika virus. After the planned spraying on Wednesday was delayed, Florida finally began killing mosquitoes aiming to prevent the condition from spreading, and it turned out successful. At dawn of Thursday, Miami-Dade County authorities … Read more

FVR Visits China: Is This The Start Of Negotiation?


FVR headed to China as special envoy for the talk over the disputed islands. FVR – President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has entrusted the talks with China to former Pres. Fidel V. Ramos with regards to the disputed islands between the China and the Philippines. The conflict between the two countries, China and Philippines, who claim … Read more

Duterte Addresses Businessmen: ‘I am warning you, I have immunity’

Duterte Addresses Businessmen

President Rodrigo Duterte addresses businessmen on what he will do in case they won’t adhere to ending contractualization. DUTERTE ADDRESSES BUSINESSMEN – Philippine President Rodrigo Roa Duterte poses on what the businessmen have to face if they won’t adhere to the end of contractualization in their business. One of the prime goals of the 71-year-old … Read more

Researchers Test Zika Virus Vaccine in US

Government researchers in the United States of America started first clinical trial of a Zika vaccine as cases surged in different states. Concerns over Zika, which is spreading rapidly in the Americas and has hit Brazil the hardest, have risen. Last week, Florida authorities reported the first signs of local transmission. There is no approved … Read more

Like Father Like Daughter: The Ongpins stepdown

Anna Bettina Ongpin did not wait any longer and resigned from PhilWeb Corp.  a day after her father, Roberto, resigned. On Thursday, Former Trade and Industry Sec . Roberto “Bobby” Ongpin resigned as chairman of PhilWeb Corp. after President Rodrigo Duterte said he wanted to destroy “oligarchs” embedded in government. In less than 24 hours, … Read more

Dela Rosa Lose Patience With Kerwin: Threatens To Evict Mayor From ‘White House’

Dela Rosa

Dela Rosa lose patience with Kerwin to surrender to the authorities. Dela Rosa Lose Patience with the narco-mayor son to surrender to the authorities. He threatens the son of Leyte Mayor Rolando Espinosa Sr. that the shoot-on-sight order is still in effect against Kerwin. According to a report, Philippine National Police chief Director General Ronald “Bato” … Read more

Hotline 8888 Flooded By SSS, LTO Complaints

8888 received more grievance on dissatisfaction to SSS and LTO services. The 8888 hotline, dedicated to receive people’s complaints, is the new national emergency telephone number in the Philippines. Since it was launched concurrent with the month of August, it was flooded by complaints on the poor services of Social Security System (SSS) and Land … Read more

Know – What Will Happen After Calling The Hotline Number 8888

Manila, Philippines – The hotline number 8888 was launch on August 1, 2016. The hotline is set to be receiving any concerns of the citizens. According to the Assistant Commissioner Ariel Ronquillo of Civil Service Commission, the 8888 is now the national hotline and now is ready to accept services from agency to the government. … Read more