Angel Alcala To Duterte: “He Has Changed His Mind”

angel alcala

Dr. Angel Alcala pushes that President Duterte should abide by the international treaties. Angel Alcala – Marine expert Dr. Angel C. Alcala recently aired out his view that the newly elected President Rodrigo Roa Duterte should obey and stay committed to the agreements on the international treaties that Philippines is a member of. In a … Read more

Recto Eyes To Extend Philippine Passport Validity To 10 Years

Philippine passport validity

Philippine Passport Validity To 10 Years? Philippine Passport Validity – Senator Ralph Recto recently filed a bill to lengthen the validity of the Philippine passport from five years to 10 years. The bill Recto submitted, it will amend Section 10 of the Republic Act 8239 or the Philippine Passport of 1996, to make the validity … Read more

Daredevil In The Making


Daredevil man in Bangladesh did some crazy things that will blow your mind. Daredevil man did a crazy things that will blow your mind. His video becomes viral after what he did in Bangladesh. The video showed that the man is standing in the middle of the railway. Like he was waiting for somebody in … Read more

Philex Petroleum Wants To Explore Recto Bank Again

Philex Petroleum recto bank

Philex Petroleum (PXP), part of Manny V. Pangilinan’s group of companies, has been eyeing to explore the Reed Bank or Recto Bank again once the natural gas project has been restarted by the Department of Energy (DOE). The said project has been stopped by the past Aquino administration because of the dispute over the West … Read more

Bieber In Central Park: No One Notices Him


Bieber was not recognized while running in the Central Park to catch a Pokemon. Bieber risks his safety in the Central Park just to catch one seriously valuable Pokémon, Gyrados. His clip while running in the Central Park is now Viral on the Social Media. Bieber’s video was posted by his long time manager Scooter Braun. … Read more

Release of GMA Gained Different Emojies, Commentaries

Netizens reacted on the release of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Release of former President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo gained a lot of commentaries and netizens were in doubt on what emojies would really tell their emotions towards it. After six years of detainment, former President Arroyo’s case of plunder with regards to the funds of … Read more

UNCLOS Ratification: Urge By US House Dems


UNCLOS ratification was urged by the Democratic members of the US Congress’ armed services and foreign affairs committees. UNCLOS ratification about the sea ruling following that the U.N. Arbitral Tribunal was rejected by China and continue to claim the Dispute South China Sea. The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), … Read more

Epitome Of Simplicity: Baste Duterte


Sebastian Duterte heated up the social media for being the epitome of simplicity. Epitome of Simplicity – Sebastian ‘Baste’ Duterte, the third son of the newly elected President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, became a social media phenomenon after being deemed as a very simple man despite the surname he bears. It is an undeniable fact that the immediate family … Read more