Ways To Release Boredom While Shopping

Ways To Release Boredom

Ways to release boredom while shopping inside of the grocery stores is now taking the social media. Ways to spend your time laughing while inside of the grocery store. Just try to follow what the grocery pun girls is doing inside the supermarket. The grocery pun girls is now taking the social media because of … Read more

El Nido: A paradise Or Waste Land

El Nido

El Nido is now viral on the social media because of its garbage. El Nido is now taking the social media after a netizen bloated the issue about the complains of the residents about the garbage found along the shore of Barangay Corong-corong, El Nido, Palawan. The residents are keep complaining about the trash washes up … Read more

Senator Leila, Herbert: How Are They Connected?

Senator Leila

Senator Leila De Lima was recently being issued as a close friend of Herbert Colangco. Senator Leila De Lima was recently facing accusations of connection with Herbert Colangco after a video and a photo went viral in social media. The new administration has continuously pushed for its prime goal which is to clean the country … Read more

Angered Chinese Netizens To Boycott The Juicy Philippine Mango

Chinese Netizens To Boycott Philippine Mango CH netizens boycott Philippine Mango – As the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) gave its ruling in favor of the Philippines over China’s massive claims on the West Philippines Sea, Chinese netizens surge to boycott Philippine products such as the Philippine mango.   The Philippine mango is among the … Read more

Friendly Ties Of Church And State

Friendly Ties

Friendly ties of Church and State was showed after Arch. Ricardo Cardinal Vidal visited President Rodrigo R. Duterte in Malacañang. Friendly ties of church and state was illustrated after the Presidential Broadcast Staff shared a video in its Facebook account. Cebu Archbishop Emeritus Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, with Supreme Court Associate Justice Jose Mendoza, visited President Duterte … Read more

VIRAL: Law Enforcer Breaks Traffic Rules

Law Enforcer

A video of a law enforcer who disobeyed the traffic rules went viral in social media. Law enforcer was spotted by the camera breaking the rules of the traffic while driving a government-owned police patrol car. The very reason that the newly elected President Rodrigo ‘Digong’ Duterte opted for drug testing in the Philippine National … Read more

Creek Rehabilitation In Iloilo City

Creek Rehabilitation

Creek Rehabilitation was started by the local government unit of Zarraga, Iloilo. Creek Rehabilitation was implemented in Iloilo City by the local government unit of Zarraga. It was the Sigangao Creek has started as part of the rehabilitation. Creek Rehabilitation project was started as a part of preparation for the unpredictable flood in the area. Zarraga, Iloilo is … Read more

LTFRB Initiates Steps: Reckless Bus Driver

LTFRB initiates

LTFRB initiates some steps to the reckless bus driver. LTFRB initiates some steps to summoned the reckless driver that just left the two passengers who fell off the bus. One of them almost got her leg crushed. According to the LTFRB, the driver was identified as Nicolas Salunson while his conductor was identified as Guillberto … Read more

China To Philippines’ Arbitration Case: ‘Illegal From The Very Beginning’

Arbitration case ruling

Philippines’ Arbitration Case, ‘Illegal’ As China Says Philippines’ Arbitration Case – China has insisted that it will not honor the coming ruling of the United Nations (UN) arbitral tribunal, regarding China’s claim over the West Philippine Sea. China said that the arbitration case filed by the Philippines was “illegal from the very beginning.” In a … Read more

20 Cops: Positive In Illegal Drug Use

20 Cops

20 cops went positive on the drug testing conducted to the PNP. 20 cops got positive results on the drug testing that was conducted in the Philippine National Police as a move in eradicating the existence of crime and illegal drugs in the Philippines. According to PNP Crime Laboratory Director Chief Supt. Emmanuel Aranas, there … Read more