Pentagon Creates UFO Task Force Assigned To Investigate Sightings

Pentagon Creates UFO Task Force Says Two Defense Officials

PENTAGON CREATES UFO TASK FORCE – Pentagon officials revealed that the United States created a task force to investigate UFO sightings.

Recently, the US military revealed sightings of unidentified flying objects. According to a CNN article, Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist would aid overseeing the task force. However, the Pentagon emphasized that what they’re looking into is what they call an “unidentified aerial phenomena”.

Pentagon Creates UFO Task Force Assigned To Investigate Sightings
Image from: 9gag

Members of the Congress and Pentagon have expressed concerns regarding the previously observed unidentified aircraft flying over military bases. Furthermore, officials fear that these unidentified aircraft may pose a risk to military jets.

Unfortunately for conspiracy theorists, the military leans more on the possibility that the objects are drones operated by “earthly adversaries”. But, there had yet to be evidence to disprove the possibility of actual UFOs.

As per the article, Sen. Marco Rubio asked:

We have things flying over our military bases and places where we are conducting military exercises. We don’t know what it is and it isn’t ours, so that’s a legitimate question to ask.

Frankly, if it’s something from outside this planet, that might actually be better than the fact that we’ve seen some sort of technological leap on behalf of the Chinese or the Russians or some other adversary

Meanwhile, the former head of the program Luis Elizondo believes that the recent sightings of the US military are strong indicators that we are not alone.

Here are some of the footage released by the US military posted on the “To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science” on YouTube:

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