Philippine Government Agencies and Their Abbreviations

Philippine Government Agencies

Here’s the list of Philippine government agencies and their abbreviations. PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES – Here’s a list of these agencies that maintain the orderliness of the country and their abbreviations. These agencies play crucial roles in terms of maintaining order in the country, delivering public services, and moving forward to development. There are agencies for … Read more

Philippine Government Agencies – A Complete List

Philippine Government Agencies

Here’s a list of Philippine Government Agencies. See the list below! PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES – For the public, committees and agencies are built, and here’s a list in the Philippines. There are several reasons why government agencies exist. These agencies provide data, regulate, support policy-making, and issue securities. There are agencies for the administration of a … Read more

PNoy Appointees Have Seven Days To File Courtesy Resignation

PNoy Appointees

The PNoy appointees are given a week to file their resignation. PNoy Appointees – To fully give President Rodrigo ‘Rody’ Duterte a freehand to combat the corruption in the Philippines, the Palace has issued a directive addressed to the appointees of the former administration. Eradicating corruption is one of Pres. Duterte’s prime goals in his … Read more