The Funny Improvised Video Call of a Married Couple Went Viral

The amusing video call of a married couple garnered millions of views within just a few days. In today’s era of high-tech technology, communicating with our loved ones from anywhere in the world has become remarkably simple. However, what’s truly remarkable is what this couple, who are content creators, did. They were seen seemingly separated only by a wall made of hollow blocks, with the window at the back serving as a makeshift camera monitor for a cell phone camera. They pretended that the husband was in Japan.

husband abroad

The conversation began with the man inquiring about his wife’s and child’s well-being, looking for one of their children. The wife responded from outside, mentioning that the child was elsewhere and playfully asking the man whose child it was. She remarked that they wouldn’t multiply if she relied on him.

The wife then asked about the man’s well-being, and he replied that he was doing fine. However, she mentioned that they had nothing to eat, which surprised the man since he had just sent money, leading them both to burst into laughter. It was noticeable that the wife was sweating during their conversation. She mentioned that their nine electric fans were broken, prompting the man to instruct her to buy an air conditioner.

husband wife video call

The husband also asked for coffee from the Philippines, saying he missed it. The wife handed it to him through the window, pretending that the window was like a picture-in-picture screen on a cell phone, with her face peering out.

They had several more humorous conversations, including discussing intimate matters and attributing the wife’s skill in handling money and Mr. Abroad’s earnings but they also mentioned the extravagant lifestyle of the wife and children based on what was happening with our fellow countrymen who also have spouses abroad.

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