Kiko Matos Share “Lambingan” Moment With Baron Geisler Went Viral

Kiko Matos shared a video with Baron Geisler where he referred to it as “Lambingan.” As you may recall, there was a time when their exchange of strong words turned into a physical altercation in the ring. There were times when Kiko would tease Baron, such as kissing him, spraying him with water, and hurling sharp words from both sides.

Baron Kiko

Kiko Matos is known as a mixed martial arts artist, while Baron is known as a bad boy in real life. In the video uploaded by Kiko, they can be seen together with Baron in a gym, learning self-defense techniques with their coach.

While they were embracing, Kiko requested Baron to shout the word “ANO!!!” in an angry manner, and Baron complied. There’s also a part where Kiko is teaching Baron the proper ways of defense and offense using their hands and feet. After a somewhat strong hit on Baron by Kiko, it ended in laughter and a mutual embrace.

Baron Geisler Kiko Matos Lambingan

Using arnis sticks, they were also taught by their coach, and Kiko accidentally hit his head with the stick, while he also intentionally hit Baron in a sensitive area. However, this only resulted in laughter and playful moments, showing that they quickly grasped what was being taught to them. There was even a time when they were playfully called “BAKI” and were given a love team angle.

In the end, Kiko mentioned that he was training Baron as part of his preparation for his role, and Baron thanked him, jokingly saying, “Anytime anywhere and I’ll be there.”

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