An Argument Over Bus Curtain Causes Arrogant Passenger To Curse And Threat The Woman
A video of an arrogant male passenger curses and threatens a woman in an argument over the bus curtain received criticism from netizens.
A certain man becomes angry and had a heated argument with his fellow female passenger inside the bus. The argument started on disagreement over the bus shade when the man tried to pull the bus curtain but the woman sitting behind him allegedly got mad and pull back the curtain.
The arrogant passenger repeatedly cursed and reproach the woman for arguing with him. The man angrily said to the woman that she was not supposed to quarrel with a man, then he followed it again with a curse.
As the argument between them goes on, the tension increases and the man threaten to slap and to shoot the woman. The man acted to pull a gun from his bag and continued on cursing the woman.
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