Woman Came Back To Life In Ilo-Ilo? Truth Revealed
Woman Came Back – A woman in Ilo-Ilo City, Philippines was said has come back to life after being declared by the doctor to be lifeless in a hospital.
In a post by RMN Iloilo on their Facebook page, it is said that the said woman, after coming back into life asked for “kalawag” or turmeric.
The post wrote that the woman has been already brought to the mortuary after the declaration of the doctor. But then, a strange thing happened.
The woman, according to the post, rose up, fanned herself for some air, and asked for turmeric. The embalmer was shocked upon seeing what happened and immediately rush away from the scene.
“Ginpahayag nga gindala na sa punerarya ang bangkay sang babaye apang amo na lang ang kakibot sang embalsamador sang nagbangon ini, nagpanguy-ab kag nangayo sang kalawag.”
People then have mobbed the place to see what happened to the woman.
The report said that the woman was brought back to the hospital.
Meanwhile, there are mixed reactions shown by netizens on the unbelievable scenario.
One commenter said that it is a miracle that she was still alive.

[It’s a miracle that she is still alive. But, I can’t hold by laughter even though it was a mysterious situation. The question is, what happened to the woman? There is a possibility that she will be revived because she was still not embalmed. It may be that her heartbeat just stopped and that her spirit just strayed. It’s a second life given to her by God.]
Others just made fun by imagining how that embalmer reacted after seeing the situation. One said that he can’t imagine the reaction of the man, that he might be running away having his dentures falling and his slippers be left.