Following Body Clock Cycle Improves Body’s Health

Improve Body’s Health By Following The Body Clock

In order to obtain a good health, it requires proper management of our body including eating, exercise, and sleeping following our body clock.

Body clock is very important for a person because it is the internal clock that makes people feel sleep at night and awake during daytime. Our body clock has actually longer cycle than 1 day, if one has 24 hours per day, our body clock has 24.1 hours.

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is a part of the brain that controls the body clock. A hormone called melatonin, which makes people feel sleepy was released by our body when it needs to sleep.

Body Clock

During 1am – 3am in the early morning is the time where the body cleanses the blood, processing wastes, which repairs and maintains the liver. A person should be in a sleep sound during this time or else digestive system gets worse.

While, between 3am – 5am, the toxic waste from the lungs was loosened during this period which maintains and repair our lungs.

5am to 7am, we need to drink water, take a deep breath, and take an exercise because the large intestines in the body were being repaired during this time. Sleeping in this period can cause health issues.

7am – 9am, the stomach is for repair and maintenance during this period because the stomach energies are in the highest at this time. People were not recommended to take large meals instead individuals should start the day with water, milk, or juice.

Between 9am – 11 am, the digestive system is at its peak, it is the time to have your main meal because the body repairs the spleen and pancreas at this time.

11 am – 1pm, the heart pumps nutrients all over the body and food materials enters the blood streams. This is the time where the heart is repaired and maintained. During 1pm to 3 pm, is the time when the body repairs our small intestine. Foods were digested during this time, eating during this period can cause indigestion.

3pm – 5pm, the food consumed during the morning was completely clear and filtered by the kidney. Our bladder was being repaired during this time. 5pm – 7pm, the body filters blood and maintains the proper chemical balance of blood-based on the food that we eat during the day. Nutrients were distributed to all tissues.

7pm – 9pm, eating sweets causes lower back pain because the nutrients were carried by groups of cells to individual cells, the pancreas was being repaired and maintained at this time.

9pm to 11 pm, blood vessels were being repaired at this period. Experiencing headaches, abnormally feeling tired and weak means that the blood vessels are in heavy repair.

11pm – 1am, remaining awake during this time can cause imbalances which may lead to certain health issues, the body repairs the gall bladder this time.

Body Clock

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