TARO BENEFITS – 5 Excellent Health Benefits of Taro / Gabi

List of 5 Excellent Gabi / Taro Benefits For the Body

TARO BENEFITS – Here is a list of the five(5) excellent health advantages that we can get from taro or also known as gabi.

Nowadays, there are a lot of delicious but unhealthy food around us. Because of it, we tend to forget that there are healthy ones that are affordable and can be found or grown in the backyard.

One of them is the taro root or herb. It is also called as gabi. It is a starchy vegetable with white flesh and purple specks. Surely, the people who are fond of eating taro chips are familiar to this. It has a lot of health advantages.

In this article, we will discuss some of the taro benefits that may convince you of its worthiness to be a part of your food plot.

Photo Courtesy of Bel Marra Health

Based on an article on Health Line, here is a list of five(5) gabi or taro benefits for the body:

1. Helps control the blood sugar

Taro is excellent in controlling the blood sugar because of its fiber and resistant starch content, these two(2) carbohydrates are known for such function. It can also help slow down the digestion and as well as the absorption of carbs in the body.

2. Helps prevent cancer

Taro is one of the best aids against cancer. It contains polyphenol, a plant-based compound that have several health benefits including lowering the risk of the said disease.

3. Promotes healthy weight loss

Truths be told that in the pursuit to lose weight, there are a lot of healthy choices. One of them is taro root which is an excellent source of fiber that is necessary in losing weight – just 132 grams of it has 6.7 grams of fiber.

4. Powerhouse of nutrients

Based on the article, one of the taro benefits is its being a powerhouse of nutrients. Aside from fiber, you can get manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, potassium, copper, Vitamin C, magnesium, and phosphorus from it.

5. Beneficial for the gut

Resistant starch and fiber which are beneficial to the gut can be obtained from taro. Upon reaching the colon, they turn into food for the microbes in the gut.

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