List of 5 Food Pairings That Can Have Negative Effects for the Body
FOOD PAIRINGS – Here is a guide on the five(5) pairs of food that you must not eat as they may not be healthy for the body when eaten together.
Undeniably, one of the most favorite things to do by a lot of people is eating. Many are even obese as they are into eating a lot and their bodies got slow metabolism.
When we are healthy, we feel like we can eat anything. However, little did we know that there are actually exceptions in eating. There are food that we should not eat together to protect our bodies.

Some food pairings may not be good for the body although each of the food in the pair are powerhouses of nutrients and health benefits. They may have negative effects brought by the instance of partaking them together.
Based on an article on Insider, here is a list of five(5) food pairings that you must avoid and their effects to the body:
1. Mango juice and muffin
The Black Doctor cited that eating muffin and drinking mango juice may cause a sudden spike in the blood sugar as they are both powerhouses of carbohydrates. After a sudden increase, a drop down on the sugar level would happen causing the person to feel lethargic right away.
2. Grilled cheese and canned tomato soup
Based on the article, the soup contains acid and when it is mixed with the cheese, the acid becomes difficult to digest. It may lead to stomach pain.
3. Biscuits and sausage
Sausage and biscuits may both taste good but, according to NAMED Program CEO Keith Kantor, these two should not be eaten together as they contain both fats and carbohydrates. Kantor stressed that it can irritate the digestion in the stomach.
4. Whole grains and spinach
Based on the article, culinary research director James Briscione expressed that the oxalic acid from the spinach and the high amount of fiber from the whole grains may block the absorption of calcium. It is needed for the bones and teeth building.
5. Soda, burger, and fries
Wellness coach David Nico expressed that eating burger and fries together with soda as the drink can shut off the brain signals due to the processed sugar present in it. The brain won’t be able to send signals telling yourself that you are full so, most likely, you would continue eating these unhealthy food.
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