BRAIN TUMOR SYMPTOMS – 11 Signs Indicating Possible Brain Tumor

List of 11 Brain Tumor Symptoms You Must Not Take For Granted

BRAIN TUMOR SYMPTOMS – Here is a list of the eleven(11) signs that are indicating a possible tumor in the brain.

When it comes to health conditions, among those diseases that are hard to detect and need very serious attention are those centered on the brain. Their signs may be visible through other parts of the body and the extent of their effect can really pose other health conditions.

One of the most popular brain conditions is brain tumor. It is a condition wherein there is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in the brain. It may be benign or noncancerous but, sadly, it may also be malignant or cancerous.

Among the usual causes of brain tumor include inherited genes or family history, age, exposure to chemicals, exposure to radiation, and having no history of chicken pox.

Brain Tumor
Photo Courtesy of City Women

With regards to the brain tumor symptoms, they scatter on other parts of the body as the brain has wide controls. They can be present in the upper, lower, and mid parts.

Based on an article on Mayo Clinic, here is a list of the eleven(11) brain tumor symptoms:

  • speech difficulties
  • hearing problems
  • change in headache patterns
  • difficulty with balance
  • nausea or vomiting
  • seizures
  • gradual loss of movement in the arm and leg
  • personality or behavioral changes
  • severe and frequent headaches
  • vision problems
  • confusion

According to the article, the symptoms depend on the location, size, and the rate of the growth of the tumor. Regardless of the extent of the signs, it is really best to see the doctor for appropriate tests and treatments to be implemented.

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