CANCEROUS MOLE – How To Check If Your Mole Is Possibly Cancerous

Guide on the Ways To Determine A Cancerous Mole

CANCEROUS MOLE – Here are the ways on how to check if the mole you have in your body is possibly cancerous.

Sadly, we humans are prone to a lot of health conditions daily. In fact, even the moles in our bodies which are hardly noticed can be cancerous. It can indicate the possibility of melanoma, a form of skin cancer which can really cost a life if not treated.

There are ways on how to determine a cancerous mole. It would be an edge if we know how to check our moles as early diagnosis increases the chance of treatment.

Photo Courtesy of Metroderm

Based on Health Central, here is a list of the ways on how to check on the possibility of having a cancerous mole in your body:

1. Color

According to the article, the sun can turn the color of our moles into something darker but a rapid change in the color of a mole should not be taken for granted. Inconsistency in the color of a mole may indicate a health condition.

2. Symmetry

Moles are symmetrical or have similar parts. Its growth or becoming asymmetrical prompts a need for a check-up. There are moles that really grow in size or asymmetrical from the beginning but it is a whole lot better to have them checked by the doctor.

3. Shape

The shapes of the moles are circle or oval. Moles with irregular shapes have chances of being cancerous.

4. Pain

Based on the article, moles don’t come along with pain and a painful one may indicate melanoma. An itching mole or one that is tender to touch may also indicate the same skin condition.

5. Texture

Another way to check for the possibility of a cancerous mole has something to do with its texture. Moles should be smooth thus having at least one with a rough and scaly texture is a reason for concern.

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