The Grass Is Greener Syndrome – Stages That A Person Has to Encounter

Though the grass is greener on the other side, doesn’t mean the other side is not green. Think again.

The Grass Is Greener Syndrome (or GIGS) is a condition where he or she believes that they have missed something better. The problem is that they are experiencing fear of being trapped in commitment, fear of boredom, fear of loss of individuality, and fear of oppression. What could be its stages?

the grass is greener
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The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

A quote from Albert Einstein

If you think that you have GIGS, you could either be a dumper (one who has a weak mindset, impatience, low self-esteem, receiving attention from others, prioritizing other activities) or a dumpee (one who has low self-esteem, lack of self-respect, smothering and demanding, not enough alone time, questioning and arguing).

This syndrome suddenly appears when he or she wants to have a breakup with his or her partner. It comes in four stages:

Absolute Condition

This is the first stage of four stages of the Grass is Greener Syndrome. In this stage, the dumper is utterly convinced his or her ez is not right for him or her by only focusing strongly on the dumpee’s negative points. The dumper is absolutely convinced that breaking up on their relationship is the only choice. The most common GIGS suspects are the following: seeing another person in the picture, routines, has lack of presence, arguments, has insecure behaviors, has a weak mentality, immature, and has poor relationship skills.


This is the second of the four stages of GIGS. In this stage, dumpers are free to explore other options after their breakup. They can do things that they never did before. Dumpers are extremely happy with their breakup decision and they’re not affected to it.


This is the third of four stages of GIGS. In this stage, the dumpee starts to think of what’s inside the dumper’s mind. It’s impossible to avoid this stage no matter how happy the dumper is; unless he or she is a narcissist.


This is the last stage of GIGS. The dumper (or dumpee) regrets his or her decision wants to get back to their relationship. According to an article, “when dumpers initiate the breakup, they don’t regret their decision or feel nostalgic. Dumpees, on the other hand, are all about nostalgia, self-blame, and regret and therefore experience these powerful emotions to a large degree.

If you think that you have GIGS, think again.

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READ ALSO: PATTERNS FOR GIGS – Patterns Spotted in Grass Is Greener Syndrome

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