When is the best time to exercise and what are its benefits?
BEST TIME TO EXERCISE – Here is a guide on the best time for workouts and the benefits that you can grab from doing it at an ideal time.
Fortunately, more and more people are becoming health conscious nowadays. Many want to not only scare away the risks of diseases and health problems but to be fully functioning in a very healthy way as well. It may require a lot of effort, determination, and discipline but keeping yourself healthy will always be worth it.
One of the main components to keep the body healthy is exercise. Some people settle on the idea of walking while others enroll themselves on a gym or fitness center. There are individuals who prefer doing sports as form of exercising – playing basketball, biking, swimming, etc.
However, do you know that there is the best time for exercise? Doing workouts at an ideal time could actually bring more benefits to the body more than what you can imagine.

Based on an article on Time, the best time to exercise is in the morning. Here are some of the benefits of doing workouts before the rest of your day’s activities will take place:
Helps achieve healthy weight loss…
Morning exercise is one of the best ways to burn stored fat in the body. According to University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Department of Exercise and Sport Science Professor Anthony Hackney, it is because the hormonal composition of the body is set up for fat burning during that time thus a healthy weight loss happens.
Lessens the appetite…
The best time to exercise is in the morning as it lessens the appetite which can help you avoid unhealthy food. This benefit is backed by researches.
Helps shift the body clock…
Based on the article, citing a study in the Journal of Physiology, exercising in the morning can help shift the body clock and make a person more alert in the morning. Thus, at night, the body is tired early and can lead to an early sleep for enough rest.
Are you one of those who want to obtain these benefits? You can start planning your workout sessions now or change the time you do some stretching and exercises.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope we have helped you with regards to this matter. You may keep coming back for more informative guides.
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