What Fart And Its Smell Means To Your Health

Fart: Its Facts For One’s Health

Fart – Many think that making fart with the “toot” sound really can be embarrassing. In certain occasions, it could be. Just imagine hearing that in a place set in serious mode.

fart and health

Farts sometimes have a foul smell that most people would not dare try smelling.

Do you know where it comes from? According to LiveScience, fart comes from everything people eat, drink, and the gas engulfed. It is even normal to “release” about half a gallon or 1.9 liters of fart or about 15-20 times of “toot” every single day. Stinky fact but, it’s healthy.

Flatulence is the proper term for farting.  It is the passing of gas from the digestive system going to the “back door” of the body. Commonly, farting is treated as a bit of embarrassment or a source of laughter to some, but, abnormal frequency of it could mean some serious health conditions.

  • Frequently and involuntarily farting
  • Lots of gas emissions
  • Fart has consistent “foul-smell”
  • Feeling bloated in the abdomen area.
  • Some cramps in the abdomen.
  • Knotted feeling in the abdomen.

Some other causes of farting could be allergies in certain foods affecting the digestion. Some may be lactose intolerance or constipation.

There are also benefits one can have with farting.

As what is said by PositiveMed, farting could tell a person of a healthy diet. Farting can be caused by foods rich in dietary fibers. These kinds of foods are good for the heart and the total body health.

What Composes Farts

Fart is composed of hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and others.

Flatulence or farting can really be embarrassing sometimes. In order to release it without about, go to a place where you can release you “burdens”.

If the signs have shown to you, better consult your doctor regarding it.

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