FOOD BEST FOR DIABETICS – 10 Food That Are Best For People w/ Diabetes

List of 10 Food Best For Diabetics / People w/ Diabetes

FOOD BEST FOR DIABETICS – Here is a list of ten(10) food that are best for people who have diabetes, a rampant disease nowadays.

Visibly, one of the hardest diseases to live with is diabetes, a condition characterized by the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin for the body. This disease affects what a person can and cannot eat.

People who are suffering from diabetes are called diabetics. Their disease may be obtained through the family history or it can also be acquired. In the case of the latter, people who are into sweets or sugar are more prone to acquiring the said disease.

If you have diabetes, your sugar and carbohydrates intake must be controlled. It is really important to have discipline with regards to the food that goes into your mouth as anything sweet can spike your blood sugar instantly.

Food For Diabetes
Photo Credit: Education

It is really challenging to live with diabetes but those who are diabetics should not lose hope. They have a lot to turn to. Based on an article on Healthline, there are actually several food best for diabetics as they can help control the said disease.

You might like to know at least ten(10) of these food. Here is a list of the food best for diabetics and their content that make them excellent in controlling diabetes:

  1. Fatty Fish – Fishes like sardines, salmons, and mackerel contain protein and omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA
  2. Green Leafy Vegetables – Green leaves like spinach and kale contain Vitamin C, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
  3. Cinnamon – This spice contains potent antioxidants.
  4. Eggs – Eggs are excellent sources of antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin.
  5. Turmeric – This spice contains curcumin.
  6. Greek Yogurt – It contains high calcium of dairy and conjugated linolic acid (CLA).
  7. Broccoli – This vegetable is also an excellent source of zeaxanthin and lutein.
  8. Apple Cider Vinegar – Based on the article, it is excellent in enhancing the insulin sensitivity of the body.
  9. Garlic – It can help reduce the bad cholesterol level, the blood sugar, and the inflammation.
  10. Squash – The different types of squash like the Italian squash and zucchini are powerhouses of antioxidants.

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