Home Remedies for Common Illnesses

Home Remedies for Common Illnesses

There are some stuff in our home that can be a remedy for our illnesses without knowing it. We just think that if we have illness all we’ve got to do is to consult a doctor and take the medicine that’s prescribed to us.

home remedies

Here some kinds of stuff in our home that’s beneficial for us and also can be a remedy for our illness.


Eating onions can help to ease the constriction of bronchial tubes by simply packing it and place it in your chest. It can help the respiratory ailments and actually made us breathe better.

Olive Oil and Celery

It contains a chemical and nutrients that can help us to minimize our blood pressure.


Sardines, mackerel, salmon, tuna and other fish can prevent arthritis because fish contains omega oil that’s good for our immune system. It can also prevent headaches by eating plenty of fish.


This fruit is good for clogged arteries because of its monounsaturated fat that lowers cholesterol.

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