HICCUP: Why It Happens & Why Can It Be A Long-Term?

hiccup causes

Here are the reasons why you experience a hiccup Having a hiccup can be annoying because it can be a disturbance to what you are doing and here are the causes to better understands this condition. This starts from the diaphragm, which is the dome-shaped muscle between your lungs and stomach. Normally, when you inhale, the diaphragm … Read more

Narcissistic Personality Disorder | How to Spot a Narcissist?

narcissistic personality disorder

Are you a narcissist? Do you have this kind of disorder? Evaluate yourself! Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of an unrealistic sense of superiority. Do you have this kind of disorder? How can you spot a narcissist? Just take a look at these symptoms that he or she has Narcissistic Personality … Read more

SEASONAL ALLERGY: Food That Might Alleviate This Condition

seasonal allergy foods

Here are the foods that can alleviate seasonal allergy SEASONAL ALLERGY – These kinds of foods will help alleviate seasonal allergy which commonly occurs every spring or summer. This condition occurs when your body overreacts to certain allergens such as plant pollen. Because of this, you may feel lots of congestion, sneezing, and itching. Although … Read more