SEVERE DENGUE SYMPTOMS – 9 Warning Signs of Severe Dengue

List of 9 Severe Dengue Symptoms / Warning Signs

SEVERE DENGUE SYMPTOMS – Here is a list of nine(9) health warning signs showing that a person has severe dengue.

A lot of countries across the globe now are experiencing outbreaks of dengue. One of them is the Philippines. In fact, PH has high records of dengue patients this year 2019. A lot of individuals already lost their lives due to this mosquito-borne disease.

Dengue can affect both young and adult. Children are more at risk to it that is why parents are really advised to observe clean surroundings to lower the breeding of mosquitoes that carry this disease. The outbreak of this illness in several countries has caused worries to thousands of people.

Dengue Fever is the common one but, based on an article on Health Xchange, it got other forms which are more risky. They are the dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and the dengue shock syndrome (DSS).

The DHF and the DSS are known as the severe forms of dengue. They have bigger chances of taking lives when left untreated.

Severe Dengue
Photo Courtesy of Stress Buster

Based on the article, the severe dengue symptoms also begin with the signs shown by dengue fever. A person may experience fever, rashes, intense headache, vomiting, loss of appetite, nausea, and body pains. A decrease in the white blood cells can also be noted.

Aside from the aforementioned health warning signs, here are the other severe dengue symptoms indicating the condition has reached a very risky point:

  • rapid breathing
  • liver enlargement
  • rapid decrease in platelet count
  • severe abdominal pain
  • accumulation of fluid in the body
  • persistent vomiting
  • lethargy
  • gums and nose bleeding
  • vomiting blood

According to the article, these health warning signs usually appear between three(3) to seven(7) days after the initial symptoms of dengue fever appeared. It may come along with a decrease of body temperature below 38 degrees Celsius.

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