Shaken Baby Syndrome: Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment

Here are the ways to prevent the shaken baby syndrome and the diagnosis & treatment for this

Shaken Baby Syndrome – Know these ways to prevent this condition as well as the diagnosis and the treatment that doctors can do.

This abusive trauma that can lead to death of a child can be prevented. After understanding the causes, symptoms and risk factors, here are the ways to prevent this brain injury.

Shaken Baby Syndrome
Photo courtesy of American SPCC


Parents can learn a lot from new parent education classes about the dangers of violent shaking. This will also provide them tips to soothe a crying baby and manage stress. When you are having a hard time in making your child stop crying, be sure to be gentle because shaking will never help.

It is also advisable to seek help if you feel stress and emotional in being a parent. You may seek help from counselor and other mental health provider. Be sure also that caregiver, baby sitter, sibling or grandparents who are helping you taking care of your child know about shaken baby syndrome.


Doctors will examine the baby and ask about his or her medical records. Several physical exams will be conducted as well. The baby may also be observed in an intensive care unit, depending on the severity of the case. Here are the physical exams that will help with the diagnosis.

Skeletal survey

  • X-rays of the bones (arms, hands, legs, feet, spine, ribs and skull)
  • may be used to determine whether fractures are accidental or purposeful
  • can also help find previous fractures

Eye exam

  • can reveal bleeding and other eye injuries.

Blood tests

  • Blood tests can help rule out some other conditions as some metabolic and genetic disorders, as well as bleeding and clotting disorders can cause symptoms similar to shaken baby syndrome

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

  • uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of a child’s brain
  • can show brain bruising, bleeding and signs of decreased oxygen
  • usually done two to three days after the injury because it is difficult to perform on a child who’s unstable

Computerized tomography (CT) scan

  • uses X-ray images to provide cross-sectional images of the body
  • can help detect injuries that need urgent treatment
  • to determine if there are additional injuries, CT scan of the abdomen may also be done


Breathing support and surgery to stop bleeding in the brain are part of the emergency treatment for the baby shaken syndrome, according to the article from Mayo Clinic.

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