You’ve Been Sleeping Wrong All Of Your Life – Know The Proper Way

Best Sleeping Positions

Sleeping is really an essential part of a human being, and it all depends on the sleeping positions. It is a unique and special way of restoring and repairing damaged cells in the body.

sleeping positions

In order to feel refreshed and be healthy, a good night sleep is a must.

Most people lie down in bed in any position as long it may feel comfortable. But, did you know that this might damage the spine the whole time?

There are people who find it a challenge positioning themselves in bed in order to have a good night sleep. People might sleep on their back, side, or stomach. But, sleeping positions might affect the quality of the sleep.

Here are the sleeping positions you need to consider according to CNN.


Back Sleeping

Experts say that sleeping on your back is the best position to have a high-quality sleep. This is because it is the only sleeping position that doesn’t require other movements throughout the sleep. To add, this sleeping position allows one’s weight to be evenly distributed on the skeletal frame.

But, this position will make people snore as the upper airway is the least stable.


Side Sleeping

Most people would certainly do side sleeping. And some would say, it is the most comfortable. But, did you know that sleeping on the sides has a whole lot of health benefits? People who have breathing problems or those who are snoring, sleeping on the sides allow opening of airways for better breathing at night.

To add, sleeping to the side can ease the lower back pain which could be ideal for your spine. The slightly curled in fetal position has been found out to recreate the natural curve of your spine.

Research shows that sleeping on your left side could help the flow of the blo0d to the heart.

But, sleeping on your side could also give you a numb arm in the morning. Also, if you suffer from indigestion at night, this position might not be suitable for you.


Stomach Sleeping

Some people would find comfort in this position but, the face-plant position could cause pain in the neck. Research also proves that stomach sleeping is not good for your back. The expert explained that the curvature of the spine given direct pressure on the lower part of the vertebrate when sleeping in this position.

People can sleep in any position they wanted and feel good in the morning. But, these positions could be considered as they can help one in their sleeping habits.

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