Here’s What You Want to Know More about Napping

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Napping is important as it can improve your mood, alertness, and performance in your workplace. Here are some facts you need to know about napping.

Photo by Vecteezy

Types of Naps

Napping can be classified into different types. Here are some of the types of napping.

Planned naps

This occurs when you need to take a nap before you may tend to get sleepy. This may also be known as preparatory napping and you may use this type of napping when you already know that you will be awake later than your usual bedtime.

Emergency naps

This occurs when you felt very tired and you tend to procrastinate just to have some sleep. This type of nap can be used in order for you to fight drowsy driving or fatigue.

Habitual naps

This occurs when you’re taking naps on a regular basis. You may tend to create your napping pattern in your day-to-day activities.

Napping Tips

These tips can help you in taking naps in the right way. Have a look!

  • Your body recommends 20-30 minutes of short naps just for your short-term alertness. This may benefit you in a way that it can improve your alertness and performance without interfering with nighttime or leaving you feeling tired.
  • Even your sleep environment can also affect your ability to sleep. Just look for a place where you’re comfortable to take a nap and have a rest.
  • You need to take a nap that is not too early nor too late. This may affect your nighttime sleep patterns when you take a nap that is too late; as well as your body may not be ready to sleep if you take it too early.

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