Highest Respect Regained by Philippines Under Duterte’s Administration

Highest Respect Regained by Philippines Under Duterte’s Administration

Highest Respect regained by the Philippines from foreign countries under Duterte’s administration for changes happening in our country right now.

It is very overwhelming to receive praises and admiration from foreign countries even social media comment saying Filipinos should be proud at this moment. In behalf of arguments, bashing, and discrimination received by the president but still, it doesn’t affect the dignity of Philippines.

Even though the arguments and some words released by Duterte to some higher ranking leaders in America still it doesn’t affect the image of our country instead this is one of the reasons why foreign cultures admire us.


For the past few years, the Philippines have received insult for the failure in trend and systems. Also, the way of living by Filipino people and the respect given to us have already reached +69% in a short time.

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