Vanessa Raval Issue Scripted

VANESSA RAVAL – The daughter famous action star Jeric Raval admitted that the issue of cheater rapper issue is scripted. The sister of young actress Aj Raval elicited reactions from the online community after she revealed that her issue with a rapper was fabricated. Vanessa admitted in her Facebook post the it was all scripted … Read more

Vanessa Raval Admits “Cheater Rapper” Issue is Scripted

Vanessa Raval Admits “Cheater Rapper” Issue is Scripted, Just a Prank VANESSA RAVAL – The sister of AJ Raval revealed that all the “cheater rapper” issue on her social media account are scripted. After sharing a conversation with a supposed rapper who wants to go out with her, the daughter of seasoned action star Jeric … Read more

Valentine Rosales Slams Zeinab Harake: “Bakit mo sinipa friend ko?”

Valentine Rosales Criticized Zeinab Harake Following Kicking Incident VALENTINE ROSALES – Controversial social media personality slammed YouTuber Zeinab Harake following a kicking incident in a club. Valentine Rosales, an internet star, turned to Facebook to voice his feelings over YouTuber Zeinab Harake, who reportedly mistreated her friend. Valentine dubbed the controversial vlogger ‘Zeinab Karate’ in … Read more