“It’s Showtime” Hosts Dancing in Heavy Rain Went Viral

It's Showtime Host Dancing

A recent heartwarming incident behind the scenes of the beloved Filipino noontime show, “It’s Showtime,” recently went viral. Despite heavy rain, the program’s hosts joyfully continued to dance outside the studio. Amid the challenges faced by the country and the show, the Showtime hosts never forget to bring joy and inspiration to their viewers. Even … Read more

A Heart-Breaking Encounter Between a Doctor and a Struggling Father with His Sick Child Gone Viral

Father Seeking Help

In our country, we consider it a right to receive proper healthcare services. This is a fundamental principle that grants all citizens equal opportunities to receive the care their health deserves. However, in recent times, it cannot be denied that the deficiencies and challenges in our healthcare system have become a serious issue. A viral … Read more

Controversial Pura Luka Vega Returned on Stage Performing the Song “Ave Maria”

Pura Luka Vega Performing Ave Maria

After several weeks of not performing. In truth, Pura Luka Vega’s legal cases are not yet resolved, and this comes after her controversial performance of “Ama Namin.” She has released a new video where she sings “Ave Maria,” which may have its own interpretation. Is this acceptable to the public, especially to her supporters? What … Read more

PTA Meeting Goes Viral After Parents Receive a Sack of Rice Each

PTA Meeting Rice Distribution

The recent PTA meeting at a school has taken the internet by storm, where attending parents were surprised with a sack of rice each. In a time when the cost of rice has soared, almost everyone yearns to purchase this essential staple, which we rely on daily. The price of rice has been a significant … Read more

New Dance Move Called “Kirig Dance Move” Become Viral

Kirig Dance Move

The natural cheerfulness of Filipinos makes us quick to embrace viral trends, such as the “Kiring Dance Move,” a unique dance step created by a local dancer during a community dance. Similar to how Miss Universe contestants have their signature walks and dances, we also have our own dance crazes, like the popular “budots” dance. … Read more

A Female Preacher Goes Viral for Calling Out ‘Bakla’ and ‘Tomboy’ to Change and Return to the Lord

Female Preacher Calls Out Lgbt

A woman who preaches the word of God gave a stern warning to lesbians and gays to cease their activities and return to the Lord. This incident went viral on social media and elicited various reactions from netizens. Every day, many of us encounter messengers of God’s word in various places such as markets, vehicles, … Read more

Vice Ganda’s Laughter Went Viral After Uttering the Words “E Rereport Kita”

Vice Ganda Tawa To Rendon

Vice Ganda’s laughter went viral after mentioning the words “I will report you,” coincidentally during the disappearance of the social media account of the self-proclaimed motivational speaker, Rendon Labador. This brought joy to many netizens. It’s worth remembering that Rendon Labador had criticized the actions of the partners Vice Ganda and Ion Perez during the … Read more

An Ostrich Danced While Following the Dance Moves Being Taught to it has Gone Viral

Dancing Ostrich

The ostrich, recognized as the largest bird in the world, originally hails from Africa. However, nowadays, many individuals and businesses raise them not just for their unique appearance and strength but also for their income-generating potential. Ostriches possess distinctive characteristics that set them apart from other animals. They have long legs and necks, with small … Read more