Nonverbal Cues – What Are They?

Here are some nonverbal cues with examples.

NONVERBAL CUES – For effective communication, there are certain ways that need no words at all, and here are some examples.

Communication is a process where you share information, ideas, and opinions with other people. A good and effective one can make a bond stronger, know someone deeper, make connections, increase trust and clarity, and be even more helpful in times of finding a solution to a problem. But communication sometimes doesn’t need words as there are nonverbal cues.

Nonverbal Cues

Nonverbal communication is using body language, gestures, tone of voice, facial expressions, body posture, and others to relay a message to another person.

  1. Using facial expressions – This is one of the most common forms of nonverbal communication that uses the eyebrows, mouth, eyes, and facial muscles. For example, someone’s eyes become wide if they’re surprised or they raise their eyebrows if they disagree with something.
  2. Using gesture – These gestures can be intentional or unintentional to convey a message. For example, raising a thumbs up to tell others you are okay or you feel positive.
  3. Using eye contact – To communicate attention and interest, using your eyes is an effective one. For example, looking away from someone can relay disinterest. If you feel disgusted, sad, or happy, your eyes can do well in conveying these emotions.
  4. Using haptics – Haptics is the study of touch and we use this type of communication when greeting others, giving comfort, being affectionate, accomplishing a task, and more.
  5. Using posture – How you pose while standing or sitting can tell so much about your comfort level, professionalism, and general disposition when in a conversation setting or towards a person.
  6. Using proxemics and blocking – This is a form of communication using personal and social space and the amount of this space signals the level of trust or relationship with that person. For example, standing closer to someone when you want to share something private or backing away when you feel like your personal space was invaded.

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