Here are the kinds of Anyong Tubig or Bodies of Water and the definitions
This is a compilation of kinds of Anyong Tubig or Bodies of Water and the definitions of each kind.
Through this, students will have an idea how to identify the bodies of water which can be found in the Philippines.
Here are the kinds of Anyong Tubig or Bodies of Water:
Karagatan (Ocean)
This is the largest body of water. Examples: Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean

Dagat (Sea)
It is the second largest body of water. Its water is also salty because it is connected to the ocean.

Ilog (River)
It is a long but narrow body of water which flows to the sea. Its water may come from a small creek or from the mountain or hill.

Look (Bay)
It serves as a port for sea vessels. The water in a bay is also salty because it is connected to the sea.

Golpo (Gulf)
It is like a small bay which is connected to the sea.

Lawa (Lake)
It is a body of water surrounded by land.

Bukal (Spring)
Its water can be cold or hot and comes from underground.

Kipot (Straight)
It is a narrow body of water which separates two land forms.

Talon (Falls)
Steep falling water from a higher place to a stream or brook.

Batis (Stream or Brook)
It is a small body of flowing water or a small river.

Sapa (Creek)
Shallow and smaller than a stream.

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