Boredom Strikes | Reasons Why You’re Getting Bored

Boredom is a universal experience. Why do you need to be bored?

Boredom strikes at any time of the day. It is an unpleasant emotional state in which you feel a lack of interest in your current state.

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Feeling unsatisfied by an activity, or uninterested in it, can lead to boredom. Why do you need to be bored? Here are the reasons why boredom strikes you.

Monotony in the Mind

Boredom is similar to mental fatigue and it is caused by continuous repetition and lack of interest in the details of your tasks.

Lack of Flow

Boredom happens when you have no interest in challenging your tasks — tasks that are too easy to deal with.

Need for Novelty

If you have a strong need for novelty, excitement, and variety, then you have a higher risk of boredom.

Paying Attention

Boredom is linked to problems with attention. What bores you never fully engages our attention especially on classes or seminars.

Emotional Awareness

Once you’re already bored, you have an inability to know what will make you happy can lead you to a more profound existential boredom. You’re also unable to articulate what it is that you desire or you want to do.

Other reasons or causes of boredom, according to Healthline, could be inadequate rest or nutrition, low levels of mental stimulation, lack of choice or control over your daily activities, lack of diversified recreational interests, poor perception of time.

You can also feel bored due to loss of interest, confusing instructions, fear of making a mistake, repetition of the activity for too much time, and feeling unable to try new approaches to the activity.

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READ ALSO | Getting Bored | Things You Can Do To Avoid Boredom At Work

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