Do you have this kind of spending habits? What type of spender are you?
Anyone has different money personalities. Each is supposed to tease you out some of those deep-rooted beliefs about money.
Here are some of the money personalities that you think may dictate Your spending habits. Have a look!
Money Avoidance
This is one of personalities that simply avoiding money. By having this kind of personality, you may tend to have a negative belief on wealthy people as well as you may think that money can lead to corruption.
Money Worship
This is the counterpart of Money Avoidance. Instead of avoiding it, you may think that having a lot of money will make you happy even more. By having this type of personality, you may tend to have more money in order for you to solve your problems in life, including your needs and wants.
Money Status
By having this type of personality, you may tend to connect your self-worth with your net worth. You tend to have a belief that if you are rich, your status will instantly high as well as its counterparts.
Money Vigilance
This is a type of personality wherein you tend to be a bit more secretive about your money. According to an article, “these people are more focused on saving and would be a nervous wreck if they didn’t have money saved for an emergency.” In addition, money vigilance could be the most desirable personality in the long run.
Once you consider the narratives keeping you in your personality, you can start exploring other ways of being.
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