Insomnia Attack: Things To Do When You Can’t Sleep

Here are the things you can do when you are experiencing insomnia attack

These things will help people having insomnia attack, especially when times come when sleep seemed to be impossible to do.

Insomnia is a common sleep problem among adults and roughly 30 percent of the population is experiencing this, according to the National Institutes of Health.

insomnia attack
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Based on the Sleep Foundation, the two most common symptom of insomnia attack are waking up feeling unrefreshed and waking up a lot during the night.

In order to address this problem, here are some things an insomniac could do.

Prepare to sleep

Spend 30 minutes before you sleep for the preparation. It is called wind-down time. You may read a book to relax. Dimming the lights an hour before you sleep can also help.

No more gadget

Stay away from doing anything with your gadgets such as laptops, phones or tablets. The lights from these gadgets can stimulate the brain which makes it harder to fall asleep.


Do a breathing or relaxing exercise to calm your mind.

Get out of bed for a while

If you can’t fall asleep after 20 minutes of lying down, get out of bed and go to other spaces in the house.

“Lying in bed awake can create an unhealthy link between your sleeping environment and wakefulness. Instead, you want your bed to conjure sleepy thoughts and feelings only.” – Sleep Foundation.

Wake up

Wake up at the same time everyday no matter how late you fell asleep the other night. Weekends should be included in this routine. This will help you set your own body clock and can help you to fall asleep every night.

Try these insomnia attack tips to improve your sleep.

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