ANXIETY SYMPTOMS – 12 Warning Signs Indicating You Need To See A Doctor

List of 12 Anxiety Symptoms / Warning Signs You Should Not Neglect

ANXIETY SYMPTOMS – Here is a list of twelve(12) warning signs indicating the need to see a doctor as you may be suffering from anxiety disorder.

Undeniably, health conditions that affect the emotional and mental aspect of a person are rampant nowadays. Aside from depression which has result to a lot of deaths, many could not live a normal life due to anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorder is often caused by trauma from previous experiences. It can also be due to phobia or an unaccepted separation from something or someone. There are a lot of factors that can cause and, often, it is hard to detect that what you are feeling is more than just an episode of worrying.

The anxiety symptoms appear common that is why this condition that affects the mental and emotional state of a person is often disregarded as normal feelings. However, when you look closely to it, the intensity of the signs are not normal and it greatly affects the life of the person.

Photo Credit: Health Living

Based on an article on Mayo Clinic, there are at least twelve(12) common anxiety symptoms that are not on a normal level. Here is a list of these signs indicating that you or your loved one need to see a doctor:

  • sweating
  • struggles in controlling not to worry
  • trembling
  • feeling nervous or tense
  • rapid breathing
  • panic
  • avoids things that trigger the anxiety
  • struggling to sleep
  • feeling tired or weak
  • increased heart rate
  • trouble in focusing or thinking
  • experiencing gastrointestinal problems

There are people who can handle their anxiety disorder. However, based on the article, if it becomes uncontrollable, it can lead to worst situations thus it is really best to see a doctor for the proper treatment. Having it correctly cured means protecting your relationships, work, and life from it as well.

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