HICCUP: How To Stop Hiccups & Recommended Medications

Here are the ways to make hiccup stop and the recommended medications

HICCUP – Know these ways in order to stop the annoying hiccups and the recommended medications from experts.

This condition starts with the diaphragm which is caused by an irritant. In a previous article, it was explained why hiccups happened and why it can be a long-term condition. For some, it is just a simple problem to be solved but there are instances that it occurs longer than the usual period of time. As a person is experiencing this condition for a longer time, there might be an underlying health problem.

hiccup ways to stop
Photo courtesy of Trend Mut

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How to stop hiccups?

People from different parts of the globe may have a list of remedies on how to stop this condition. Based on the article from WebMD, there are people who position themselves upside down in order to get rid of the annoying hiccups. In some instances, people would tell their friends to scare them for the belief that it will make this condition go away. In the Philippines, people would put a piece of paper or thread on the forehead with the assumption that it is the cure for hiccups.

However, there are no scientific proofs to these. Based on the article, experts believe that holding your breath or breathing into a paper bag might help. These techniques allow your lungs to make carbon dioxide. This might provide relaxation to the diaphragm. If hiccup continues to annoy you, there are certain recommended medications for this. According to the article, here is the list of medications recommended by doctors for hiccups.

hiccup medication
screenshot from WebMD

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