List of Tea Health Benefits that Prove It is the Best Drink
TEA HEALTH BENEFITS – Here are the reasons why tea is the best drink for your total well being.
Undeniably, a lot of people don’t like the taste of tea. This drink really has a very unique taste that is hard to pair with any food most especially if it is warm on a cup.
But, you should not allow its taste to make you look past its health benefits. It has a lot to offer to the body and, in fact, it is one of the healthiest and the best drink for your total well being.

Based on an article on Nursing Degree, here is a list of five(5) tea health benefits that will prove that it is the best drink for your total well being:
1. Powerhouse of antioxidants
Teas are powerhouses of antioxidants may it be a green tea, a black tea, an Oolong tea, or any other type of tea. It helps not only in the cleansing of the body but as well as in the repair and regeneration of the cells. It can help slow down aging.
2. Lowers the risk of cognitive disability
Based on the article, a study conducted on Japanese adults showed that individuals who are drinking at least two(2) cups of green tea daily are less prone to cognitive disabilities.
3. Helps avoid cardiovascular diseases
Studies also show that drinking green tea and black tea lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases or heart ailments. This can also help in lowering the bad cholesterol in the body.
4. Aids in achieving white and strong teeth
According to the article, tea is a good source of fluoride and tannins for the teeth. These will help lower the buildup of plaque in your teeth and prevent tooth decay.
5. Helps prevent a lot of diseases and conditions
The tea health benefits also include the capacity of this healthy drink to spare the body from a lot of diseases or conditions. These includes cancer, arthritis, flu, Parkinson’s Disease, diabetes, and nasal congestion. Its content makes the prevention of these medical conditions possible.
READ ALSO: GREEN TEA BENEFITS – 7 Amazing Health Benefits From Green Tea