Chemicals Harm Bees To Stop Production

Chemicals harm bees

Chemicals That Harm Bees To Stop Producing By Ortho Chemicals that are potentially harming bees has been stopped by garden-care giant Ortho after warnings about the threats to pollinators and food crops. Bees are very important to the food supply because about one-third of the human diet comes from honeybees and other insect-pollinated plants. Honeybees are … Read more

Etihad Airways Flight Cancelled By Pilot


Etihad Pilot Delayed A Flight  From UK To Australia Etihad Airways, a leading airline based in United Arab Emirates, made headlines yesterday when the pilot decided to cancel the flight. The pilot let the couple disembark the plane so that they could rush back to their dy!ng grandson’s side. And the Etihad pilot is being praised … Read more

Rayani Air Suspend Operations

Rayani air

Rayani Air Stopped Operating Rayani Air, one of Malaysia’s leading airlines was suspended due to faulty air frames and unpaid salaries. One source said “the pilots had raised concerns with the windows and hydraulic systems since late January. They were concerned some of these issues could potentially lead to accidents.” Aside from that, there were … Read more