Open Letter To Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago: ‘Leave the Country If She Won’t Win’

Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago

Open Letter to Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago By a Supporter An avid supporter of Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago named Akira Dela Peña recently wrote a dramatic post on Facebook and is now going viral in social media. According to her original post, she admitted her support to the Presidential candidate, Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago. Her letter says that … Read more

Karen Davila Criticized At Third Debate, Selfied With Duterte.

Criticized At Third Debate, Karen Davila posted photo with Digong.

Aftermath of the third debate. After the calm-to-heated ran presidential debate, TV news anchor Karen Davila posted a selfie with the leading presidential candidate Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, while being criticized for being ‘biased.’

Davila and Duterte at third debate
Third Debate

In the photo which she posted on social media, Davila referred to Duterte as the leading presidential candidate and that he can handle the toughest questions.

Davila explained that she had to ask Duterte the hard questions because she sees him as the toughest, however she later added that the photo she posted doesn’t mean that she is endorsing the mayor as her presidential bet.

Davila who moderated the last debate gained a lot of criticisms most especially from social media users for allegedly throwing the hardest questions to Duterte.

Netizens claimed that the anchorwoman flared the most personal questions to Duterte compared to former DILG Secretary Mar Roxas and Vice President Jejomar Binay, even referring to Davila as bias.

In the “Fast Talk” segment of the third and the last presidential debate that was aired in ABS-CBN on April 24, Davila asked Duterte if there is any member of his family that was involved in dr_g use, and if there is, what will he do?

Netizens fired against Davila for her follow up question noting that she could have asked others too with personal questions.


In explanation, Davila reiterated that she wasn’t able to fire other questions towards Roxas and the other candidates because of the time limit. It can be remembered that the presidential candidates only have particular time for the “Fast Talk,” while some of the candidates explained much regarding their answer in one question— the time to ask for more questions was compromised.

Davila added that there were more questions that she missed to ask to the candidates.

Davila furthermore thanked those netizens who recognized that she was just doing her job as a debate moderator.

Earlier, Davila was also praised and criticized for pounding Senatorial runner Alma Moreno in an interview to which Moreno said she is thankful to Davila.

Super Trawlers Ain’t No Good At All

Super trawlers

Super Trawlers Stretch More Than The Titanic’s Size And Trap Innocent Ones Super Trawlers Stretch More Than The Titanic’s Size And Trap Innocent Ones First of all, super trawlers are basically a “fishing boat”, but it’s an understatement if you called so. Why? Because it’s like a monster that can consume anything, even everyone that … Read more

Live Dog Trapped During Earthquake Saved

Live dog

Live Dog Was Trapped During Ecuador Earthquake, Saved By His Fellow Dog Rescuer Live Dog was trapped alive during the Ecuador earthquake and casualties were risen to a higher number of people. The most damaging earthquake to hit Ecuador in history, since 1987 has claimed more than 400 lives so far. Rescue operation are still on … Read more

Antique Supports Gobyernong May Puso


Allies of Vice President Jejomar Binay in the province of Antique changed their bet in the upcoming 2016 election. 2016 Election is fast approaching and all minds are set into determining who they think really fits the position and deserves their votes. People of Antique switched their choice. Recently, just 14 days before the day … Read more

Pilipinas Debate 2016 Full Video Replay – No Commercial Break

Pilipinas Debate 2016 Finally, the 5 presidents have spoken their sentiments with regards to the issues tackled during their final presidential debate dubbed Pilipinas Debate 2016. The event was held at the Phinma-University of Pangasinan in Dagupat City. 5 Presidential candidates attended the Pilipinas Debate 2016 including; Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago, … Read more

Duterte Leads in Latest Presidential Survey Despite Controversial Remark

Duterte maintains lead in latest presidential survey despite earning criticisms over his controversial remark. Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte maintained his lead in the latest presidential survey conducted by Social Weather Stations (SWS) despite his post-controversial remark. Just recently, the PDP-Laban standard-bearer drew flak on various social media platforms and was heavily criticized by women’s … Read more

Presidential Candidate Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago’s Patriotic Closing Statement

“I will never quit, I will never stop, I will never withdraw!” – Senator Miriam Santiago

“I have not allowed my words to overcome my deeds.” People’s Reform Party standard bearer Senator Miriam Santiago quoted during her closing statement at the recent Pilipinas Debate 2016 round 3, hosted by ABS-CBN.

She might not be everyone’s bet for this coming 2016 Presidential election, but Senator Miriam Santiago is definitely and clearly not like all the rest of them. Admit it or not, we cannot imagine the Philippine government without her.

No doubt, Senator Miriam Santiago has the moral courage and intellectual capacity to obliterate the culture of crime and corruption in the Philippines. She is intellectual superior among others and her academic record speaks of it.

Her excellent and reputable records here and outside the country attest to it. Her wit is one of her swords in the Philippine politics. She is brave… and she told the media once, “I eat d3ath threats for breakfast”. With just one look, her ability to identify a person if he or she is corrupt is beyond.

Her struggles in life even made her stronger as a person, as a mother, and as a Filipino citizen. Not new to us all, she suffered from a stage 4 Canc3r but it never hinders her to run from the office, as she quoted to her speech, “I am now normal. I can think. I can act. And I can pray…” she even added, “I will never quit, I will never stop, I will never withdraw!”

Her fighting spirit is unlike others, and this is one of the most celebrated parodies in the Philippine politics, that is why she was merited as the “tiger lady of Asia” and even called as the “Iron lady of Asia.”

And as observed by many, of all those presidential candidates, Senator Miriam Santiago doesn’t have any dirty issues aside from her health.

At the end of the day, it is our responsibility, it is our duty as Filipino to people who we are going to put to lead for the betterment of our country. God Bless Philippines!

Duterte Slams Trillanes During a Rally in Manila (Video)

Duterte has something to say against Trillanes.

Tough-talking presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte lambasted Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV during a rally in Pandacan, Manila.

“I don’t know him. I only met him twice,” he said during the campaign sortie.

According to the Davao City mayor, he met with the Nationalista Party vice presidential candidate last April 2015 wherein Trillanes discussed to him a possibility of running together.

“Nag-usap kami gusto niya maging presidente sa akin, ay vice, sabi ko, hindi ka pwede, madumi ang record mo. Sa militar, pinag-iinsulto mo pa yung mga heneral,” he noted.

A report of also noted that the 71-year-old politician also sighted reasons why the former Navy officer is not deserving to win the vice presidential title in the upcoming 2016 elections set on May 9.

He stated that Senator Trillanes does not deserve the post after staging a coup d’etat which became popular all over the world and even caught the attention of numerous international media groups.

“I know the purpose. Para nasa news siya, baka sakali manalo siya,” he said. “That’s Trillanes. Be careful with that idiot,” he added.

Watch the video below.


The Davao City Mayor who’s running for the highest post in the land drew flak on various social media platforms and was heavily criticized by women’s groups and the church and other presidential contenders over his controversial remark to an incident that happened in 1989 which involved an Australian missionary.

Duterte has already made a public apology with regards to his remarks. Although, there are some who have accepted his apology yet there are groups including the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) who condemned his remark.

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