Here are the effective home remedies for chest mucus
Chest mucus can be a result of a persistent cough and it can be disturbing to your daily routine, so, here are the home remedies for this condition.
Although this condition is not life-threatening, it can still affect you daily life and you will feel uncomfortable. If this will be left untreated, it can lead to other complications, according to the article from Healthline.

Here are the home remedies for chest mucus
Drinking liquids
As everyone knows, drinking water can do a lot of good things to the body. However, other liquids could also provide relief and could thin out the mucus. Aside from water, you could also sip chicken soup, warm apple juice, and decaffeinated black or green tea.
You can make your own humidifier or steam room in your house as steam can be helpful to get rid of the mucus. Just remember to close all the windows and doors in order for the vapor not to escape.
Sauna in the shower
In doing this home remedy, you must let the water run from the shower until it steam up the bathroom. Closing the shower curtain could maximize the stem. Make sure that the shower head is away from you because it might scald your skin.
Bowl and towel
Fill a bowl with hot water and lean over it. Place a towel over your head to trap the steam. According to the article, the duration of this has no guidelines. You can decide when to stop this, based on your judgement. If you feel uncomfortable, remove your head from the steam.
Based on the article, there are also several natural ways that help you get rid of chest mucus. You can use buckwheat honey that can provide relied to cough. Take a spoonful of this every few hours. However, it is not recommended to give honey to children below 1 year old. Other natural ways you can do is using essential oil and vapor rubs.
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